What is Lighthouse?

A Christian Homeschool Association Local homeschool support group based in Wake Forest, NC   Lighthouse is a local Christian-based homeschool support group based in Wake Forest, NC, with members located in Wake, Franklin, and Granville counties. Our group includes hundreds of families and we continue to grow each year! We…

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What does membership include? Membership in Lighthouse provides access to a variety of activities and events specifically tailored to support both students and parents. These include educational events, social gatherings, and a range of support services aimed at enhancing the homeschooling experience. Detailed benefits can be found under Member…

Member Expectations

LIGHTHOUSE CHRISTIAN HOMESCHOOL ASSOCIATION MEMBER EXPECTATIONS   Lighthouse is a volunteer-led organization that thrives because of our members’ involvement! We acknowledge that all homeschoolers are busy, but it is expected that each family in Lighthouse will contribute to the support group in some way, giving of their time and talents…

Board Members

Every member of the Lighthouse Board is dedicated to our homeschool community, by striving to make this community engaging, active, and supportive for all families involved.  The Board’s goals are to provide exciting opportunities through parent meetings, family events, clubs, academic events and so much more.  Each board position is…

Past Events

Here at Lighthouse, we are a volunteer-led homeschool support group and we take pride in the variety of activities our volunteers offer to our community each year.   From educational opportunities and special interests clubs to fun-filled family gatherings and academic celebrations, our events are designed to enrich, educate, and…