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Dances – Spring Barn Dance

Personal Information

Primary Contact Name
Primary Contact Name
First Name (Pre-filled)
Last Name (Pre-filled)
Email Address (Pre-filled)

Emergency Contact

Emergency Contact Name
Emergency Contact Name

Child Information

Child Name
Child Name

Other Information

Barn Dance Attire

Barn Dance attire is less formal than prom and attire can reflect that. Jeans, skirts, dresses, cowboy boots and the like are welcomed and encouraged. More formal attire is also allowed, though it may hinder participation in the dances. 


For Ladies, please choose modest attire; open backs should be no lower than natural waist; no plunging or low-cut necklines; no bare midriffs; if wearing a 2-piece dress, the top and bottom should be able to touch. Skirts should be opaque with hems that reach at least to the knee. Slits should rise no higher than the knee as well.


Gentleman should wear jeans, or dress slacks, a button up or collared shirt; dress jackets are optional. No t-shirts are allowed.



Conduct for all Dances:

Everyone must check-in upon arrival. 


This is a chaperoned event. Attendees agree to respect the authority of all chaperones and adult supervisors.​Attendees will stay within the physical boundaries set for the event, and not leave the premises or venture into areas designated as off-limits.​ If a student leaves the premises without permission from the event coordinator, they will not be allowed to register for another dance this school year.


Dancing must remain clean and God-honoring. This is not a club, but a Christian homeschool dance provided by parents who want you to have a fun and memorable evening – in a good way! Explicit or dangerous dance moves will not be permitted.​


Once admitted to the dance, students will not be allowed to leave and re-enter. No student will be allowed to go to their car unless accompanied or released by a chaperone.​


Absolutely no tobacco, alcohol, weapons, smoking devices, vaping, or drugs of any nature are permitted at the prom. Medical emergency devices, such as Epi-pens and inhalers are allowed and should be noted on the registration form.​


No bags or backpacks are allowed. Ladies may carry a clutch purse; purses may be inspected at check-in.


All attendees are required to read and agree to the Dance Conduct & Attire Agreement as part of the registration process and are expected to abide by that agreement.


By allowing your teen to attend this event, parents agree to hold harmless LCHA, Inc. Dance committee and volunteers, the event venue and any of their agents or representatives, in the event of offense, accident, or injury arising from participation in the LCHA, Inc. Dance.


Parents providing transportation for attendees are responsible to arrive by the scheduled end time. Attendees are expected to stay at the dance until it officially ends. Students needing to leave early should notify the dance coordinator and chaperones at check-in. Parental permission is required for anyone under age 18 to leave a dance before the end.


Mature and respectful behavior is expected. If a student is asked to leave the dance by a chaperone or venue employee, a parent will be called. No refund will be issued.

Payment *non-refundable


Spring Barn Dance: $35.00


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